The Flag Vette

"Enduring Freedom" 1969 Corvette Stingray

My Wife and I Acquired this Classic 1969 Corvette right after the tragedy of September 11, 2001 It has endured for many years. I just love the 1969 Corvette, to me it symbolizes the American Dream, the only true All American Sports Car. I couldn’t belive she let me get it. I was frustrated as an American who had never been in the military, I know the sacrifice my father and my friends fathers gave for our Country. Due to all the Americans that just died in an instant on 9-11-01, I realized that they were the first casualties of a new war. We as Americans take simple things for granted like football, baseball, hot dogs and apple pie.

Sometimes we let the sacrifices made by our forefathers fade in our memory, and we become comfortable and spoiled. We must not forget, never forget our families that have given brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers to ensure our freedom. I guess if my father had died in the WWII, I wouldn’t be here. I must be one of the lucky ones. We are all the lucky ones. In this Corvette I experience Freedom. If only for a moment at a time, I always realize that we live in the greatest country in the world. A country where I can dream up a fantasy about painting a Classic Corvette like our Flag, and then make it a reality. To all Americans everywhere, who have helped to ensure our freedom, we dedicate this car. We hope it inspires everyone to take more pride in the United States of America. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. - Our home - Your home September 22, 2001


Anaglyph "Enduring Freedom" 1969 Corvette Stingray